
Our Commitment to Being a Carbon-Negative Company

In 2025, through green investments, strategic carbon offsetting, and working from home, we anticipate to extract 42,241 kg more CO₂ emissions than we contribute. 100 percent of our staff work remotely. Our remote work structure helps us incorporate environmental sustainability into our business practices. Remote-first employment provides environmental benefits for the communities where we live and where we serve. 

A remote workforce eliminates the need to commute, which means less traffic and less impact on the built environment (e.g., roads and bridges) and it also reduces fossil fuel, including gasoline, consumption and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. Fewer cars on the road and less cross-country travel for in-person meetings also results in reduced air pollution. Our remote workforce has enabled us to have a lower carbon footprint as working remotely reduces power usage as compared with a traditional office model. 

Lastly, in Applichat’s virtual office environment, fewer office supplies overall are consumed, particularly paper as most communications are electronically based. We invest in energy efficient equipment, such as equipment that is Energy Star or EPEAT certified. Office equipment (e.g., printers, copiers, microwaves, certain IT equipment) is recycled when it cannot be repaired.